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Funny Username Combinatons for a Nurse and Construction Worker


Professions are the heart and soul of Pixel People. Growing your number of unlocked professions earns you more coins, new Buildings, even MORE professions, some funny names, and maybe even some secrets. You begin the game with a Mayor and a Mechanic to get your Splicing adventure started. Create new Clones and discover new genes as you build up your town! Are you up to the challenge to get all Achievements too?

As of version 1.4.15, there are 450 professions that can be assigned to work, divided into 20 unique categories, plus 23 special genes that can only be used in splicing, available in the game.

Please note that this wiki is specialized for the newly released games in 2019.

Professions list [ ]

The following list contains all professions, excluding the secret professions and special genes.

Profession Formula 1 Formula 2 Category Workplaces
Mayor None None Administration Town Hall
Mechanic None None Technical Arrival Center
Engineer Mayor Mechanic Technical Utopium Mine, Auto Shop
Sheriff Mayor Mayor Law Sheriff's Office
Architect Mayor Engineer Creative Town Hall, Building Firm
Landscaper Assistant Architect Services Nursery, Funeral Parlor
Deputy Assistant Sheriff Law Sheriff's Office, Police Station, Fire Station
Gardener Landscaper Deputy Services Nursery, Greenhouse, Hedge Fund
Mechanical Engineer Mechanic Engineer Technical Construction Yard, Auto Shop
Botanist Farmer Farmer Academic Greenhouse
Park Ranger Sheriff Landscaper Services Park, Campsite
Firefighter Mechanic Police Officer Services Fire Station, Bunker, Fireworks Factory
Farmer Engineer Gardener Production Farm, Farmer's Market, Greenhouse
Doctor Engineer Nurse Medical Clinic, Hospital, Gene Pool]
Nurse Homemaker Gardener Medical Clinic, Pharmacy, Hospital
Police Officer Sheriff Sheriff Law Police Station, Bank, Courthouse
Vet Park Ranger Doctor Medical Animal Shelter, Pet Store
Homemaker Farmer Gardener Resident Farmer's Market, Farm
Zoologist Botanist Vet Academic Research Lab, Animal Shelter, Aquarium
Plumber Engineer Assistant Services City Square, Fast Food
Fishmonger Farmer Plumber Production Lakehouse, Farmer's Market
Animal Trainer Sheriff Vet Services Animal Shelter, Pet Store
Milkmonger Farmer Animal Trainer Production Farmer's Market, Ice Cream Stand
Artist Architect Dreamer Creative Art Gallery, Arcade
Photographer Mechanic Artist Media Photo Shop, Weddings R Us, Art Gallery
Dentist Doctor Artist Medical Dentist's Office
Radiologist Doctor Photographer Medical Hospital, Dentist's Office
Cook Homemaker Fishmonger Hospitality Fast Food, Diner
Chef Artist Cook Hospitality Restaurant
Zookeeper Animal Trainer Park Ranger Services Park
Construction Worker Mechanical Engineer Deputy Production Construction Yard
Car Designer Mechanical Engineer Artist Creative Auto Shop
Athlete Construction Worker Farmer Sports Stadium
Greengrocer Farmer Salesman Business Farmer's Market, Ninja HQ
Interior Designer Architect Artist Creative Art Gallery
Olympic Swimmer Athlete Fishmonger Sports Swimming Pool
Painter Artist Construction Worker Production Construction Yard, Building Firm
Hotel Manager Homemaker Salesman Hospitality Hotel Utopia, Spa
Valet Car Designer Hotel Manager Transport Hotel Utopia, Theatre, The Care Services
Pilot Valet Mechanic Transport Space Port
Flight Attendant Pilot Waiter Transport Space Port
Aerospace Engineer Mechanical Engineer Pilot Technical Observatory, Space Admin
Art Dealer Artist Salesman Business Art Gallery
Industrialist Salesman Salesman Business Enterprise, Golf Club, Appliance Firm
Jockey Animal Trainer Valet Sports Stable
Marine Biologist Vet Olympic Swimmer Academic Aquarium
Real Estate Agent Architect Salesman Business Building Firm
Soldier Police Officer Explorer Law Bunker
Waiter Cook Assistant Hospitality Diner, Restaurant
Philosopher Dreamer Dreamer Academic University
Detective Police Officer Philosopher Law Police Station, Forensic Lab, Law Firm
Lawyer Sheriff Salesman Law Law Firm, Courthouse, Publishing House
Marine Soldier Olympic Swimmer Law Bunker
Judge Lawyer Sheriff Law Courthouse
Secretary Mayor Deputy Administration Bank, Enterprise, Business Center
Writer Secretary Dreamer Media TV Station, Cafe, Publishing House
Poet Writer Dreamer Creative Cafe, Art Gallery, Library
Paramedic Police Officer Doctor Medical Fire Station
Lifeguard Olympic Swimmer Paramedic Law Swimming Pool, Beach House
Model Photographer Lifeguard Performers Fashion Studio, Photo Shop, Disco
Swimsuit Model Model Olympic Swimmer Performers Fashion Studio, Swimming Pool, Beach House
Reporter Detective Writer Media TV Station, News Agency
Ballet Dancer Athlete Artist Performers Dance Studio
Martial Artist Ballet Dancer Soldier Sports Dojo
Sushi Chef Chef Martial Artist Hospitality Sushi Bar
Food Critic Cook Reporter Media News Agency
General Marine Soldier Law Bunker
Actor Director Model Performers Theatre, Film Studio
Flight Controller Architect Pilot Transport Space Port
Calligrapher Writer Artist Creative Art Gallery
Cameraman Photographer Mechanic Media TV Station, Photo Shop, Broadcast Station
Cheerleader Athlete Ballet Dancer Performers Stadium, Dance Studio
Coach Athlete Athlete Sports Stadium
Courier Mailman Salesman Services Post Office
Director Cameraman Cameraman Media Film Studio, Theatre
Florist Farmer Botanist Services Flower Shop, Nursery, Farmer's Market
Gravedigger Farmer Soldier Services Funeral Parlor
Mailman Reporter Valet Administration Post Office
Miner Gravedigger Explorer Production Utopium Mine
Cattle Rustler Jockey Animal Trainer Production Stable, Stadium
Postmaster General Mailman General Administration Post Office
Stunt Double Actor Martial Artist Performers Film Studio
Programmer Mathematician Engineer Technical Tech Support, Arcade
Game Designer Programmer Artist Creative Arcade
Mathematician Philosopher Scientist Academic University, Business Center, Tech Support
Scientist Philosopher Engineer Academic Research Lab, Gene Pool
Physicist Scientist Mathematician Academic University
Astronomer Physicist Dreamer Academic Observatory, Space Admin
Astronaut Pilot Astronomer Explorers Space Admin
Geneticist Scientist Doctor Academic Gene Pool
Cryptozoologist Zookeeper Detective Academic Research Lab, Tavern
Accountant Secretary Mathematician Business Business Center, Bank, Pharmacy
Editor Writer Writer Media Publishing House, Library
Librarian Writer Poet Academic Library
Historian Philosopher Librarian Academic Museum, Antique Store
Archaeologist Historian Explorer Academic Museum, Pyramid
Super Hero Soldier Geneticist Curious Hero Mansion
Atomic Hero Radiologist General Curious Hero Mansion
Ancient Hero Preacher Weather Reporter Curious Hero Mansion, Astro Church
Choreographer Ballet Dancer Director Creative Dance Studio
Pharmacist Doctor Salesman Medical Pharmacy
CSI Detective Photographer Law Forensic Lab
Forensic Scientist Detective Scientist Academic Forensic Lab
Physiotherapist Athlete Doctor Medical Spa, Clinic, Arena
Coroner Gravedigger Doctor Services Funeral Parlor, Forensic Lab
Anti Hero Gravedigger Super Hero Curious Hero Mansion
Wrestler Athlete Actor Performers Arena
Clown Comic Painter Performers Circus, Carnival
Paleontologist Archaeologist Cryptozoologist Academic Museum
Geologist Miner Scientist Academic Observatory, Utopium Mine
Break Dancer Ballet Dancer Rapper Performers Dance Studio, Disco
Captain Fishmonger Sheriff Explorers Lakehouse, Marina
Weather Reporter Reporter Geologist Media News Agency
Comic Actor Poet Performers Bar
Disc Jockey Jockey Choreographer Music Radio Station, Dance Studio
First Mate Captain Deputy Explorers Lakehouse
Buccaneer Captain Explorer Explorers Tavern, Cave
Preacher Philosopher Dreamer Services Astro Church
Rapper Poet Disc Jockey Music Dance Studio, Disco
Receptionist Secretary Model Business Hotel Utopia, Enterprise, Dentist's Office
Songwriter Poet Poet Music Radio Station, Restaurant
Taxidermist Vet Coroner Services Park
Vocalist Songwriter Actor Music Radio Station, Bar
Assistant Mechanic Mechanic Administration Town Hall, Law Firm
Footballer Athlete Cheerleader Sports Stadium
Shepherd Animal Trainer Milkmonger Production Stable
Winemaker Farmer Dreamer Production Farm
Baker Cook Homemaker Production City Square, Cafe
Carpenter Shepherd Homemaker Production City Square, Lumber Mill
Janitor Plumber Construction Worker Services City Square, Diner, Fast Food
Ninja Martial Artist Soldier Curious Ninja HQ, Dojo
Referee Coach Judge Sports Stadium, Arena
Secret Agent Ninja Detective Law Ninja HQ, Hero Mansion
Sensei Martial Artist Philosopher Curious Dojo
Deep Sea Diver Marine Biologist Explorer Explorers Tavern, Aquarium
Watchmaker Historian Mechanic Production City Square, Doomsday Clock
Time Traveller Watchmaker Explorer Explorers Tavern, Doomsday Clock
Tailor Model Artist Services City Square, Fashion Studio, Weddings R Us
Ringmaster Animal Trainer Clown Performers Circus
Oracle Philosopher Preacher Curious Fortune Teller, Astro Church
Matador Animal Trainer Wrestler Performers Circus
Magician Accountant Accountant Performers Circus, School of Magic
Bartender Winemaker Salesman Hospitality Tavern, Bar
Barista Bartender Waiter Hospitality Cafe, Organic Cafe
Wizard Magician Scientist Curious School of Magic
Apprentice Wizard Assistant Curious School of Magic
System Admin Programmer Programmer Technical Tech Support
Genie Magician Magician Enchanted Tavern, Fortune Teller, Circus
Wedding Planner Winemaker Baker Services Weddings R Us, Dating Agency
Centaur Mutant Jockey Enchanted Altar
Wedding Singer Romantic Vocalist Music Weddings R Us
Jeweller Romantic Miner Creative Weddings R Us
Chocolatier Romantic Baker Creative Flower Shop, Ice Cream Stand
Matchmaker Romantic Engineer Creative Dating Agency
Dating Advisor Jeweller Chocolatier Creative Dating Agency
Politician Bureaucrat General Administration Utopia HQ
Civil Servant Bureaucrat Secretary Administration Utopia HQ, Embassy, Port Authority
Officer Civil Servant Assistant Administration Utopia HQ, Embassy
Insurance Agent Salesman Bureaucrat Business Clinic, Hospital
Federal Agent Secret Agent Politician Law Forensic Lab
Conductor Musician Sheriff Music Concert Hall
Drummer Musician Watchmaker Music Bar
Bassist Guitarist Deputy Music Bar
Guitarist Musician Songwriter Music Bar
Pianist Musician Programmer Music Concert Hall
Violinist Guitarist Bassist Music Concert Hall
Gamer Programmer Sports Star Resident Tech Park
Basketballer Sports Star Greengrocer Sports Recreation Center
Baseballer Sports Star Carpenter Sports Ballpark
Soccer Star Sports Star Actor Sports Recreation Center
Tennis Player Sports Star Sports Star Sports Recreation Center
Golfer Sports Star Bartender Sports Golf Club
Caddie Golfer Philosopher Sports Golf Club
Racecar Driver Sports Star Valet Sports Auto Shop
Mascot Caddie Cheerleader Sports Recreation Center, Campsite
Figure Skater Jack Frost Ballet Dancer Performers Snow Globe
Skier Figure Skater Mountain Climber Sports Snow Globe, Ski Lodge
Mountain Climber Jack Frost Miner Explorers Snow Globe
Ice Fisher Fishmonger Figure Skater Production Snow Globe
Pizza Guy Foodie Courier Hospitality Fast Food
Sommelier Foodie Winemaker Hospitality Restaurant
Ice Cream Seller Foodie Jack Frost Hospitality Ice Cream Stand, Snow Globe, Diner
Celebrity Chef Sommelier Chef Hospitality Restaurant, Sushi Bar
Butler Sommelier Valet Hospitality Hero Mansion
Cosmetic Surgeon Socialite Doctor Medical Hospital
Cardiologist Cosmetic Surgeon Romantic Medical Hospital
Bouncer Socialite Bodybuilder Law Disco
Party Animal Socialite Animal Trainer Curious Disco
Gambler Party Animal Mathematician Resident Casino
Croupier Gambler Valet Hospitality Casino
Investor Gambler Industrialist Business Tech Park, Hedge Fund
Bodybuilder Strongman Model Sports Gym
Gym Instructor Bodybuilder Guru Services Gym, Spa
Sumo Wrestler Bodybuilder Sushi Chef Performers Dojo, Arena
Samurai Sumo Wrestler Soldier Curious Dojo, Sushi Bar
Gymnast Gym Instructor Athlete Performers Gym
Boxer Gym Instructor Martial Artist Sports Arena, Gym
Acrobat Gymnast Ringmaster Performers Casino, Circus
Professor Guru Scientist Academic University
Talkshow Host Guru Actor Media Broadcast Station
News Anchor Talkshow Host Reporter Media Broadcast Station
Entrepreneur Guru Programmer Business Tech Park
Travel Agent Tour Guide Pilot Services Travel Agency
Tour Guide Hitch Hiker Salesman Explorers Travel Agency, Palace
Cyclist Hitch Hiker Courier Transport Recreation Center, Gym
Skateboarder Cyclist Skier Sports Recreation Center
Tree Hugger Hitch Hiker Guru Resident Flower Shop, Campsite
Star Commander Travel Agent Astronaut Explorers Space Admin
Mounted Police Cyclist Sheriff Law Sheriff's Office, Stable, Campsite
Tourist Tour Guide Travel Agent Explorers Travel Agency, Palace
Catcher Baseballer Police Officer Sports Ballpark
Statistician Mathematician Reporter Academic Ballpark
Ventriloquist Carpenter Actor Performers Theatre
Masseuse Physiotherapist Strongman Medical Spa
Chemist Scientist Bartender Academic Chemical Plant, Fireworks Factory
Hazmat Chemist Stunt Double Services Chemical Plant, Space Admin
Investment Banker Salesman Gambler Business Hedge Fund
Mime Actor Librarian Performers Carnival
Optometrist Astronomer Doctor Medical Clinic
Surfer Skateboarder Olympic Swimmer Sports Beach House
Butcher Cattle Rustler Cook Production Fast Food
Hockey Player Wrestler Figure Skater Sports Snow Globe
Sports Fan Athlete Statistician Sports Arena
Lumberjack Carpenter Strongman Production Lumber Mill
Pyrotechnician Wizard Chemist Technical Fireworks Factory, Carnival
Tattoo Artist Calligrapher Punk Rocker Creative Gas Station
Biker Cyclist Strongman Transport Gas Station
Gas Filler Valet Janitor Services Gas Station
Car Washer Janitor Model Services Gas Station, Auto Shop
Hair Stylist Model Gardener Services Barber Shop, Gas Station
Sea Dog Captain Buccaneer Explorers Docks
Sailor Sea Dog First Mate Explorers Docks, Port Authority
Dock Hand Sailor Strongman Services Docks
Boat Racer Racecar Driver Sailor Sports Marina
Sailing Instructor Sailor Coach Sports Marina, Swimming Pool
Lighthouse Keeper Astronomer Electrician Resident Lighthouse
Cartographer Calligrapher Explorer Academic Lighthouse
Castaway Explorer Sailor Explorers Island
Tribal Farmer Fishmonger Resident Island
Treasure Hunter Jeweller Buccaneer Explorers Island, Cave
Mermaid Lifeguard Mutant Enchanted Lighthouse
Musketeer Fencer Historian Curious Antique Store
Emperor Mayor Historian Curious Antique Store, Palace
Fencer Ballet Dancer Ninja Sports Dojo
Lawn Gnome Gardener Wizard Resident Secret Hideout
Punk Rocker Guitarist Hair Stylist Music Outdoor Stage
Mariachi Guitarist Cattle Rustler Music Outdoor Stage, Diner
Rockstar Guitarist Vocalist Music Outdoor Stage
Electrician Mechanic Assistant Technical Telephone Company, Appliance Firm
Telephone Operator Receptionist Electrician Technical Telephone Company
Cashier Salesman Assistant Business Pet Store, Gas Station, Pharmacy
Bee Keeper Farmer Entomologist Production Apiary
Entomologist Programmer Scientist Academic Apiary, University
Bell Ringer Watchmaker Strongman Services Doomsday Clock
Security Guard Police Officer Assistant Law Telephone Company, Film Studio, Space Port
Minotaur Matador Mutant Enchanted Altar
Tooth Fairy Dentist Bee Keeper Enchanted Dentist's Office
Eagle Scout Park Ranger Explorer Explorers Campsite
Camp Counsellor Eagle Scout Homemaker Administration Campsite
Outlaw Lumberjack Ninja Evil Lumber Mill
Caveman Strongman Tribal Resident Cave, The Care Services
Crashtest Dummy Stunt Double Valet Transport Auto Shop
Oil Driller Construction Worker Deep Sea Diver Production Oil Rig
Vigilante Detective Martial Artist Law Cave
Rock Climber Mountain Climber Stunt Double Explorers Cave
Welder Pyrotechnician Mechanic Technical Space Admin, Oil Rig
Oil Baron Oil Driller Investor Business Oil Rig
Barber Hair Stylist Apprentice Services Barber Shop
Acapella Singer Vocalist Bassist Music Barber Shop
Merchant Salesman Sailor Business Port Authority
Ambassador Salesman Mayor Administration Embassy
Vampire Abomination Cardiologist Evil Dark Tower
Monster Mad Scientist Henchman Evil Laboratory
Werewolf Abomination Mutant Evil Dark Tower
Mummy Archaeologist Vampire Evil Pyramid
Mad Scientist Scientist Abomination Evil Laboratory
Henchman Mad Scientist Bell Ringer Evil Laboratory
Supervillain Mad Scientist Super Hero Evil Evil Lair
Thief Henchman Henchman Evil Evil Lair
Assassin Ninja Thief Evil Evil Lair
Bandit Cattle Rustler Assassin Evil Stable
Arsonist Pyrotechnician Thief Evil Chemical Plant
CEO Industrialist Supervillain Business Golf Club
Ghost Gravedigger Mummy Evil Haunted House
Skeleton Radiologist Ghost Evil Haunted House
Witch Chemist Abomination Evil Dark Tower
Troll Programmer Witch Enchanted Cave
Jack-O-Lantern Greengrocer Abomination Evil Haunted House
Slasher Samurai Assassin Evil Evil Lair
Overlord Supervillain Politician Evil Evil Lair
Monster Hunter Monster Lumberjack Curious Secret Hideout
Exterminator Monster Hunter Entomologist Services Apiary
Cyclops Optometrist Monster Evil Altar
Ice Lord Guardian General Enchanted Winter Fort
Guardian Toy Soldier Security Guard Law Winter Fort
Snow Elemental Ice Lord Mutant Enchanted Mountain
Sherpa Snow Elemental Mountain Climber Explorers Mountain
Alpine Rescue Sherpa Paramedic Law Mountain
Snowboarder Sports Star Sherpa Sports Ski Lodge
Toy Maker Holiday Spirit Carpenter Production Toy Factory
Elf Toy Maker Apprentice Enchanted Toy Factory
Toy Soldier Toy Maker Soldier Enchanted Toy Factory
Viking Strongman Snow Elemental Explorers Winter Fort
Regent Fairy Godmother Politician Administration Cloud Castle
Successor Regent Apprentice Administration Cloud Castle
Big Bad Wolf Werewolf Fairy Godmother Evil Wooded Cabin
Puppet Toy Soldier Fairy Godmother Enchanted Candy House
Jungle Dweller Caveman Fairy Godmother Resident Wooded Cabin
Swashbuckler Buccaneer Regent Explorers Pirate Ship
Hooded Rider Eagle Scout Big Bad Wolf Enchanted Wooded Cabin
Piper Exterminator Fairy Godmother Enchanted Pirate Ship
Knight Crusader Successor Enchanted Ivory Tower
Adventurer Explorer Hooded Rider Explorers Ivory Tower, Pirate Ship
Sculptor Artist Knight Creative Warrior Temple
Bean Farmer Farmer Fairy Godmother Production Cloud Castle
Giant Bean Farmer Cyclops Enchanted Cloud Castle
Wonderlander Adventurer Dreamer Enchanted Candy House
Gingerbread Clone Baker Puppet Enchanted Candy House
Submariner Adventurer Deep Sea Diver Explorers Pirate Ship
Gladiator Knight Wrestler Performers Warrior Temple
Sun Priest Preacher Hermit Enchanted Warrior Temple
Dwarf Giant Giant Enchanted Wooded Cabin
Hermit Librarian Jungle Dweller Resident Warrior Temple
Hair Model Hair Stylist Successor Performers Ivory Tower
Housekeeper Homemaker Fairy Godmother Resident Candy House, The Care Services
Shoe Maker Sculptor Tailor Production Wooded Cabin
Base Jumper Stunt Double Adventurer Sports Ivory Tower
Playwright Bard Writer Creative Publishing House
Perfume Maker Romantic Chemist Production Souvenir Store
Bard Romantic Poet Music Inn
Newlywed Romantic Romantic Resident Wedding Chapel
Blacksmith Crusader Apprentice Production Souvenir Store
Freedom Fighter Crusader Politician Law Souvenir Store
Metalhead Blacksmith Musician Music Outdoor Stage
Juggler Clown Crusader Performers Outdoor Stage
Bagpiper Juggler Piper Music Outdoor Stage
Train Conductor Engine Driver Bureaucrat Transport Rail Terminal
Makeup Artist Artist Dating Advisor Creative Fashion Studio
Engine Driver Blacksmith Engineer Transport Rail Terminal
Warrior Amazon Gladiator Enchanted Warrior Temple
Online Shopper Amazon Amazon Curious Souvenir Store
Forester Amazon Park Ranger Services Wooded Cabin
Cliff Diver Amazon Adventurer Explorers Island
Yoga Instructor Guru Balloon Twister Sports Spa
Dog Walker Frisbee Player Animal Trainer Services Thrift Store
Whisky Blender Organic Farmer Winemaker Hospitality Distillery
Frisbee Player Hipster Athlete Sports Thrift Store
Graffiti Artist Balloon Twister Painter Creative Thrift Store
Organic Farmer Hipster Farmer Production Organic Cafe, Distillery
Juicer Whisky Blender Organic Farmer Hospitality Organic Cafe, Bazaar
Balloon Twister Hipster Clown Performers Bazaar, Souvenir Store
Manicurist Graffiti Artist Calligrapher Hospitality Fashion Studio, Bazaar
Indie Musician Whisky Blender Guitarist Music Thrift Store, Cafe
Auctioneer Role Player Salesman Business Auction House
Barbarian Role Player Warrior Enchanted Auction House, Inn
Monk Barbarian Martial Artist Enchanted Guild Hall, Auction House
Cleric Role Player Doctor Enchanted Guild Hall
Paladin Cleric Knight Enchanted Auction House
Dragon Tamer Monk Cryptozoologist Enchanted Guild Hall
Rogue Role Player Ninja Evil Ninja HQ, Guild Hall
Necromancer Cleric Coroner Evil Guild Hall
Executive Producer Party Animal Publicist Business Idol Academy
Megastar Mogul Pop Icon Performers Idol Academy
Pop Icon Break Dancer Fashion Designer Music Idol Academy
Synthpop Artist Pop Icon Programmer Music Idol Academy
Talent Show Judge Megastar Vampire Performers Idol Academy
Mogul Executive Producer Overlord Business Park Luxury Villa, Idol Academy
Voiceover Artist Sage Ventriloquist Performers Production Suite
Foley Artist Propsmaster Voiceover Artist Creative Production Suite
CGI Artist Foley Artist Programmer Creative Production Suite
Gofer Undiscovered Talent Courier Services Production Suite
Fashion Designer Sage Tailor Creative Talent Agency
Talent Manager Publicist Ringmaster Business Talent Agency
Stylist Fashion Designer Makeup Artist Services Talent Agency
Publicist Stylist Cheerleader Services Talent Agency
Undiscovered Talent Talent Manager Barista Creative Talent Agency
Makeover Artist Cosmetic Surgeon Stylist Services Talent Agency
Auteur Talent Manager Director Creative Film Festival
A-List Actor Actor Megastar Performers Film Festival
Thespian A-List Actor Mad Scientist Performers Theatre, Film Festival
Ingenue Auteur Puppet Performers Film Festival
Film Producer Accountant Executive Producer Media Film Festival
Paparazzi Publicist Thief Evil Film Festival
Tutor Coach Talent Manager Academic The Care Services
Art Therapist Thespian Guru Medical The Care Services
Heir Mogul Successor Administration Appliance Firm, Park Luxury Villa
Crony Mogul Caddie Evil Park Luxury Villa
Pro-Gamer Gamer Streamer Resident Gaming House
Gameshow Host Talent Show Judge Talkshow Host Performers Gaming House
Streamer Influencer Sports Caster Resident Gaming House
Sports Caster Gameshow Host Referee Media Gaming House
Influencer Stylist Online Shopper Performers Gaming House
Mukbang Streamer Influencer Foodie Performers Gogigui BBQ
Barbecuer Chef Fencer Hospitality Gogigui BBQ
Tech Engineer Hacker Engineer Technical Appliance Firm
Vizier Ventriloquist Courtier Administration Palace
Courtier Crony Bureaucrat Administration Palace
Propsmaster Interior Designer Carpenter Production Theatre
Hacker Pro-Gamer Programmer Technical Gaming House
Secret Dispatcher Secret Agent Cosplayer Curious Uto-Nurv Fortress
Magical Student Apprentice Space Ranger Enchanted Uto-Nurv Fortress
Kid Robot Computer Wiz Toy Maker Curious Uto-Nurv Fortress
Bike Rider Biker Gadget Refurbisher Sports Uto-Nurv Fortress
Metamorph Bodybuilder Xenobiologist Explorers Uto-Nurv Fortress
Space Ranger Crisis Manager Star Commander Explorers Uto-Nurv Fortress
Tech Magnate Mecha Inventor Industrialist Business Uto-Nurv Hangar
Mecha Pilot Mecha Mechanic Pilot Transport Uto-Nurv Hangar
Mecha Mechanic Mechanical Engineer Mecha Inventor Technical Uto-Nurv Hangar
Mecha Inventor Exterminator Kaiju Whisperer Technical Uto-Nurv Hangar
Robo Caller Mecha Inventor System Admin Curious Uto-Nurv Hangar
Keyboard Warrior Robo Caller Wrestler Resident Uto-Nurv Hangar
Xenolinguist Xenobiologist Librarian Academic K.R.A.K.E.N Center
Xenobiologist Cryptozoologist Space Ranger Academic K.R.A.K.E.N Center
Crisis Manager Improv Drummer Zen Gardener Administration K.R.A.K.E.N Center
Relief Coordinator Crisis Manager Paramedic Medical K.R.A.K.E.N Center
Kaiju Whisperer Xenolinguist Monster Hunter Curious K.R.A.K.E.N Center
ER Doctor Trauma Surgeon Crisis Manager Medical Field Hospital
Trauma Surgeon EMT Technician Doctor Medical Field Hospital
Field Engineer Relief Coordinator Architect Technical Field Hospital
Ambulance Driver Racecar Driver EMT Technician Medical Field Hospital
EMT Technician Nurse Field Engineer Medical Field Hospital
Comic Geek Book Collector Graffiti Artist Resident Utobara Denki-Gai
Gadget Refurbisher ER Doctor Computer Wiz Production Utobara Denki-Gai
Computer Wiz Hacker Tech Magnate Technical Utobara Denki-Gai
Cosplay Costumier Fashion Designer Magical Student Performers Utobara Denki-Gai
Cosplayer Cosplay Costumier Makeup Artist Performers Utopia Grand View
Mangaka Artist Comic Geek Creative Utopia Grand View
Toy Collector Toy Maker Book Collector Resident Utopia Grand View
Comics Editor Publisher Mangaka Media Utopia Grand View
Animator Mangaka Choreographer Creative Utopia Grand View
Imperial Guard Gatekeeper Knight Law Utoji Castle
Shogun General Imperial Guard Law Utoji Castle
Gatekeeper Store Greeter Samurai Law Utoji Castle
Priest Monk Shrine Attendant Academic Utoryuji Temple
Shrine Attendant Imperial Guard Sun Priest Academic Utoryuji Temple
Zen Gardener Priest Landscaper Services Utoryuji Temple
Store Greeter Crooner Receptionist Services Utoshimaya D.S.
Store Manager Store Greeter Overlord Evil Utoshimaya D.S.
Clerk Director Comic Geek Services Utoshimaya D.S.
Book Collector Librarian Gadget Refurbisher Resident Ubocho Books
Novelist Book Collector Auteur Media Ubocho Books
Publisher Publicist Novelist Media Ubocho Books
Patissier Baker Store Manager Hospitality Patisserie Ufeuville
Confiseur Decorateur Toy Maker Hospitality Patisserie Ufeuville
Decorateur Patissier Cosplay Costumier Hospitality Patisserie Ufeuville
Glacier Confiseur Jack Frost Hospitality Patisserie Ufeuville
Crooner Wedding Singer Blues Guitarist Music Jazz Bar
Improv Drummer Drummer Virtuoso Music Jazz Bar
Blues Guitarist Guitarist Improv Drummer Music Jazz Bar
Double Bassist Bassist Bassist Music Jazz Bar

Special Genes [ ]

Special genes aren't unlocked or used like the rest. These genes are used only for matching with other genes, and cannot be put to work in a building. Some are unlocked automatically as you progress through the game, when you level up to larger land plots. Others have to be unlocked by completing Missions in the Utopia HQ building or by purchasing them at the Event Center.

Gene How to Unlock
Dreamer Appears at random in gene bank
Salesman Appears at random in gene bank
Explorer Appears at random in gene bank
Mutant Appears at random in gene bank
Romantic Complete mission: A Utopian Romance to unlock
Bureaucrat Appears at random in gene bank
Musician Complete mission: Wonderland to unlock
Sports Star Complete mission: Team Names to unlock
Jack Frost Complete mission: Ice & Fire to unlock
Foodie Complete mission: Gastronomy to unlock
Socialite Complete mission: Party Animals to unlock
Strongman Complete mission: Beast of Burden to unlock
Guru Complete mission: Obedience School to unlock
Hitch Hiker Complete mission: Thnx 4 The Fish to unlock
Abomination Complete mission: Ghost in the Machine to unlock
Holiday Spirit Complete mission: Dear Santa mission to unlock
Fairy Godmother Complete mission: Happy Ever After to unlock
Crusader Complete mission: Old Time's Sake to unlock
Amazon Complete mission: A Forest Station to unlock
Hipster Complete mission: Skinny Genes to unlock
Role Player Complete mission: My Faire Renaissance to unlock
Sage Complete mission: Lunar Reservations to unlock
Virtuoso Complete mission: Divine Inspiration to unlock

Discontinued Genes [ ]

Discontinued genes are professions that do not exist in the game anymore. The following 3 Special Genes and 15 'non-special' professions were only existent in the discontinued version of the game. These professions cannot be collected or spliced in the current version of the game.

Profession Formula 1 Formula 2 Category Workplaces
Easter Bunny Complete mission: Easter Eggs Special n/a
Parader Complete mission: Mardi Grass Special n/a
Soccer Referee Complete mission: Fowl Play Special n/a
Conspiracy Theorist Easter Bunny Cryptozoologist Curious Secret Hideout
Bogeyman Monster Conspiracy Theorist Evil Evil Lair
Event Planner Party Animal Wedding Planner Administration Event Center
The Invisible Clone Alchemist Abomination Evil Laboratory
Alchemist Blacksmith Conspiracy Theorist Creative Laboratory
Fantasy Writer Alchemist Writer Creative Publishing House
Romance Novelist Fantasy Writer Romantic Creative Publishing House
Soccer Fan Soccer Referee Sports Fan Sports Training Ground
Goal Keeper Soccer Fan Bouncer Sports Training Ground
Bookmaker Soccer Referee Gambler Sports Ticketing Booth
Steward Soccer Fan Sheriff Hospitality Trophy Room
Masquerader Parader Makeup Artist Performers Inn, Parade Float
Samba Dancer Street Performer Party Animal Performers Parade Float
Street Performer Parader Actor Performers Staging Area
Marching Band Member Street Performer Musician Performers Staging Area
